Thursday 20 September 2012


A special person in my life brought up the Marc Lepine case. I actually never heard of this case until yesterday. Basically, he was a 25-year old man, born and raised in Montreal, Canada who murdered fourteen women who were engineering students. Why you may ask? Because he did not believe women should be engineering students, or anything of that matter but rather slaves to men.

After he killed the women, he ended up killing himself blaming feminists for his violence against the fourteen women. Might I add this was in 1989 when this took place. I was 2 years old, enjoying my life in India. (my only memories of my childhood were when I was that young, weird, hey?) Anyways, a lot has changed since that incident. More and more women are trying to break the glass ceiling and growing professionally alongside men.

The way men think is changing too, especially in my generation. I've spoken to so many men that love it when women are ambitious and educated and why wouldn't they be?
The reason why I brought this topic up is because so many women in my life, including me at times, have to hide who we really are. Now this doesn't even have to do with personality but hide what we do, so that others perceive us in a "perfect" light. By others I mean men. Many women change when they are around men. I see it everyday -- and now I question, why? Why do we put on a show of who we are not but with our girlfriends we are who we are?

Does it have to do with the psychology behind it? Men and women are different (obviously) and we have different connections but why do we slightly change when we initially meet the opposite sex. Eventually people get comfortable with one another but that initial meet and greet is so ... different. Noticing the difference in my own actions, I have made it a point to act the same both with men and women. Because honestly speaking, who the hell really cares? Plus age/experience DOES make you wiser- or at least I think it has.

So I leave this Thursday afternoon with a question/thought for you...Why is it so hard to be yourself when you find who you are? Or is the search continuous till the day you die?

My own opinion: the search is continuous till the day you leave this earth :)

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