Monday 21 November 2011

a thousand words.

The sky is the limit.  Laughter is precious and this picture is absolutely priceless.

The story behind this picture is about a young woman named Aasttha Khajuria. She decided she would leave her comfortable life in Edmonton and volunteer her summer educating young children in the slums of Mumbai. 
This story is not about what she taught when she was there but it's about how volunteering makes such a difference in an individuals life. Be it for a second, minute or lifetime- it makes a difference. The smile those children have on their faces is simply priceless. They appreciate the simplest moments. The moments of learning, laughing and loving.

Though Aasttha is back in Edmonton, she will never forget those moments she shared with those children. She will forever cherish her first time volunteering in a country she could call home and also take back what she learned and share it with everyone around her.
"The love I felt for those kids was something I never thought I was capable of feeling. These kids were so happy being who they are. They weren't jealous of anyone or anything," Aasttha said.

When I looked at this picture, all I did was smile. Aasttha has been my best friend for over 10 years and to see her go out and do her little part in trying to make a child smile who doesn't have the same privileges as we do, was so very precious. I feel in a world where everything is fast paced and we get caught up in the rat race, we never seem to take the time to appreciate what we have. We take in too much stress that only causes negativity. So instead of being negative in life; simply be positive. 

Take the time today and make someone smile. Be it for a minute, second or lifetime :)

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